Product  Price
 Voyager Premier  $ 198
 Voyager Express $  99
 Update Subscription  $  99

What's included in the Update Subscription?

We strongly recommend this subscription service for safe flight planning.  It provides you with three valuable services for a full year:

Monthly navigational data updates
  • US (incl. AK and HI), Canadian and Mexican navigational databases revised by the FAA and DoD (DAFIF) every 28 days.  This includes airspace, airport information, airways, navaids, etc.
  • Downloaded automatically from the Internet

Premium weather

  • Time-synchronized Radar and Satellite images overlaid on your flight plan

  • Fast Winds Aloft downloads (we process the raw data for 10x faster downloads)
New product versions

  • Updates, including all fixes and new features, to the Voyager application itself

  • Downloaded automatically from the Internet